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Research in a nutshell v4.png
  • Single-molecule force/fluorescence methods

  • Membrane protein folding

  • Protein-protein interaction

  • Protein oxidation and damage

  • Single-molecule enzyme kinetics

  • Development of new single-molecule tools

  • Molecular dynamics simulation​

Membrane proteins play crucial roles in various physiological functions such as signal transduction, immune response, and ion homeostasis. They constitute approximately 30% of the proteome and represent the largest class of drug targets. However, unraveling the complex chemistry and physics of membrane proteins poses significant challenges. Understanding their folding in intricate lipid bilayers, the impact of misfolding and aggregation on their function, their dynamic interactions, and their exquisite functionality within the bilayers are all areas that require deeper comprehension.


To address these challenges, we have developed single-molecule approaches that have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of membrane proteins. By examining individual molecules, we can unveil hidden information that may be obscured in averaged ensemble measurements. Moreover, these methods offer an advantage in membrane protein studies by mitigating the problem of protein aggregation.


Our goal is to continue developing new single-molecule tools that can tackle important questions in the expansive field of membrane proteins. Countless scientific inquiries await the advent of innovative techniques, and we firmly believe that the development of such methods will unlock the hidden features of membrane proteins, expanding our knowledge of this fascinating realm. As we embark on this ambitious journey, we aspire to make meaningful contributions to fundamental membrane protein science and its implications for pharmaceuticals and medicine.

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Figure 6.5_full trace.png

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